Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle and the Limbo of the Lost, a geographical area of about 3,900,000 sq km (1,500,000 sq mi), between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Melbourne in Florida (located 55°W to 85°W and 30°N to 40°N), in which there have been numerous unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft.
The mystery dates back as far as the mid-19th century, with a total of more than 50 ships and 20 aeroplanes having been lost in the Triangle. One of the more notorious cases was the
disappearance of Flight 19. Five United States torpedo bombers left Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945, on a routine training flight in good conditions. None of them returned. Even the seapla
ne that was sent out to find them vanished. Other stories about the region include ships found abandoned with warm food left on the tables and planes that disappear without even making a distress call. The absence of wreckage is often cited as proof of the mysterious power of the Triangle.
Explanations are legion, and include death rays from Atlantis and UFO kidnappings. Less fantastic analyses suggest that fierce currents and deep water could explain the lack of wreckage, and point out that several of the losses attributed to the Bermuda Triangle actually occurred as far as 1,000 km (600 mi) outside it. Furthermore, military and civil craft pass through the region every day without mishap. As deep sea diving techniques improve it is likely that more of the lost vessels will be recovered, but it is equally likely that the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle will linger in the imagination for a long while yet.
Care sunt motivele pentru care Adolf Hitler a fost făcut responsabil de declanşarea celui de-al doilea război mondial.
Istoria oficială spune că această conflagraţie a debutat la 1 septembrie 1939, când Germania declară război Poloniei şi invadează cu armatele sale teritoriul polonez. Timp...
Reînarmarea Germaniei după primul război mondial, desfăşurată neîntrerupt timp de 12 ani (1921-1933), în cel mai mare secret, a fost făcută în URSS. Este unul dintre cele mai oculte capitole ale secolului al XX-lea, amplu documentat, după 1990, de arhivele Kremlinului. Timp de 12 ani, eludând...
Planul Barbarossa
Potrivit planului Barbarossa, Hitler stabilise atacarea Uniunii Sovietice cel mai târziu pentru luna mai a anului 1941, dar cea mai elementară regula de prudenţă tactica îl obligă să-şi asigure mai întâi flancul de sud, cel balcanic, datorită unei lovituri de stat în...
Pactul Tripartit, Pactul celor trei puteri, Pactul Axei, Pactul celor trei sau Tratatul Tripartit a fost semnat la Berlin pe 27 septembrie 1940 de Saburo Kurusu (pentru Imperiul Japonez), Adolf...